Fabian Fan Club
- THE FABIAN FAN CLUB - A black ink and gray color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board, circa 1975.
This drawing was commissioned by George Hamilton, a California based fanzine publisher. He was devoted to the works of Robert E. Howard and published many Howard booklets for which I did most of the artwork. Some of those illustrations are included here, in my web site.
George decided to publish a "Fabian" fan letter devoted to giving fans news about where my latest artwork was appearing. This drawing was used as the letterhead icon for "The Fabian Fan Club" stationery. The Fan Club lasted about two years, I never knew how many fans subscribed to it, but after George looked at my website recently he sent me an email informing me that the fan club had 40 members, some of them from foreign countries. Don't laugh, 40 is better than None!
A word about my job as an illustrator;
John Adams, 2nd president of the United States wrote: "I must study politics and war so that my sons can study mathematics and philosophy in order to give their children the right to study art and music."
- My profound thanks to John Adams and all the men and women who, like him, fought to make this a country where I was able to "study" art and earn a living as an illustrator.

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